Pre number concept worksheets

Pre number concept worksheets free pdf.

Pre number concept activities focus on classification such as the difference in shapes, picking out between small and big, large and heavy, short and long, wide and narrow, thick and thin, tall or short, etc. This way, children learn to observe the attributes of quality, then quantity, and finally, numbers.

Some of the main pre number concept activities you should teach to your child are:

  • Proper identification of numbers
  • Counting
  • Sorting and comparing numbers
  • Understanding number patterns
  • Matching by attributes
  • Measurement

This way, children learn to observe the attributes of quality, then quantity, and finally, numbers. Initially, children are only taught to compare values and differences between them.

Later, upon reaching perfection in the pre number concept, children learn to solve number specific values.

For example, a preschooler would only be asked to differ between the bigger and the smaller object.

On the contrary, a kindergartener would be taught to solve higher-level questions like arranging in ascending and descending order.